이탈리아에서 희귀한 상어가 죽은 채 표류하고 있는 상태로 발견되었는데 그 생김새가 '돼지와 비슷하다'고 SNS에서 화제를 불러일으키고 있습니다.
Sailors 'creeped out' after finding animal with body of shark and face of pig - Mirror Online
Sailors 'creeped out' after finding animal with body of shark and face of pig
When Naval officers pulled it out of the water they discovered that what appeared at first glance to be a shark actually had a face that better resembled that of a pig
‘Pig-faced Shark’ Discovered in Italy Leaves Sailors Baffled. Pictures are Viral
‘Pig-faced Shark’ Discovered in Italy Leaves Sailors Baffled. Pictures are Viral
Italian naval officers have reportedly caught a rare fish from the sea and described it as having the face of a pig and the body of a shark.
Bizarre pig-faced shark found dead in the Mediterranean Sea. Is it real? | Live Science
Bizarre pig-faced shark found dead in the Mediterranean Sea. Is it real?
Apparently, the species is known to grunt like a hog when pulled from the water.
실제 촬영된 사진을 살펴보면 동그란 눈과 납작한 코가 돼지와 비슷합니다.

이 상어는 2021년 8월 19일에 티레니아해의 이탈리아령인 엘바섬 근교에서 사체가 해상을 떠돌고 있는 것을 이탈리아의 해군장교가 건져올렸습니다.
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